Operation Red Nose is looking for volunteers

Operation Red Nose is looking for volunteers

Red Nose is a free volunteer-run ride service that has already been working for 23 years.

It helps Winnipeggers get home during holidays from 7-8 p.m. up to the morning. This year the operation will start its work on November, 30.

Red Nose is working on the weekend and during the New Year’s Eve and Night, and the organization needs more volunteers. When a person applies, Red Nose is checking his documents and if everything is fine, gives the schedule of work to him. A volunteer can work one night during the season, or he can work all nights. It is up to him.

People do not have to worry about their welfare if they get home late. Red Nose will help, they need just to call. Many residents of the city stay overnight at their relatives’ or friends’ places during the holidays but not everyone has such an opportunity.

Some drivers drive after drinking alcohol, so they can create dangerous situations on the road for themselves and their passengers, and for other drivers. Red Nose is operating for such cases also. Visit the official site of Red Nose to get all the necessary information.

Red Nose provides its services not only in Winnipeg but in other cities of Manitoba: Brandon, Flin Flon, Gimli, La Broquerie-Steinbach, Portage la Prairie, Saint Malo, Selkirk, Shilo, The Pas and Thompson.

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Red Nose free volunteer-run ride service holidays