Thieves continue to steal holiday decorations around the city.
Perry Blomquist suffered this time. The man said that he had set snowflake projectors in his yard about a week ago, but now they are stolen.
The man wants to warn all of his neighbors, and other residents of the city, to be more attentive to all the decorations that set in the courtyard in front of their homes.
Perry has small children and he set up these snowflake projectors especially for them, the children had so much joy from snowflakes. During Monday night someone stole them. The worst thing that Blomquist wanted to make a festive mood in his family and someone just came the yard and ruined everything.
In addition, the thieves left the cut cable in the snow, thus creating a very dangerous situation for Perry and his family.
For a week turning on snowflake projectors have become a kind of family tradition for Perry and his children and wife. Every morning, the children woke up and ran to their father, and together they went to turn on the projectors. However, on Tuesday morning they did it and there was nothing. Perry said that the children were very sad about the incident.
His wife told the police about the theft, in the hope that they will find the thieves and they will not be able to spoil the holidays of other people. Blomquist also added that the projectors are not very expensive, about $30 each, so criminals will not earn a lot on their theft.
Now Perry is thinking about how to return the holiday mood to his family and to avoid theft in the future.
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