The generosity of several businessmen from Winnipeg cannot be ignored!
For the fourth year in a row, Dave and Joanne Provinciano, the owners of Pro Body Parts give presents to children before Christmas.
On Thursday, they came to school and gave the children awesome gifts, and new iPads were among them.
"Who likes to read on iPads?" Dave Provinciano asked to roars of approval from students on Thursday.
Silvana Lao, the school teacher, said that the life is too difficult for many of the kids because they face a shortage of the most necessary items for study and hunger.
At one of the first meetings with the businessmen, the teacher informed them about the difficult situation. One of them did an amazing thing.
"As he was leaving he shook my hand. He said, 'Feed the kids — this is for your kids,' and slipped me something. It was $500."
Provinciano was very impressed by the situation because children cannot learn and accept new information if they come to school hungry. 6 months after donating $500, the businessmen sent the teacher a check of $2,000 to organize a culinary club for her students.
"We started a little cooking club to give them to tools to work with to better themselves, and learn to work in a kitchen," said Joanne.
During 4 years, Dave and Joanne Provinciano came and asked her what children need. This year the teacher asked for iPads. After all, there are only 20 for 4 classes at school, and children love to read on them very much.
Having received a list of desired gifts, Dave and Joanne Provinciano attracted several of their friends and other businessmen to collect the necessary amount of money. Leo's class received 5 iPads, many useful school items and toys.
The director of Strathcona School says that, unfortunately, many children do not receive all the necessary information because they do not have computers or tablets at home. Only 5% of students can additionally study at home. The school has a computer class but 20 tablets are not enough for all students.
"We only have the children for five-and-a-half hours a day, and we need to make sure that we maximize every absolute minute of learning time," she said.
The Provincianos say that this is only the beginning of their help for children. They are trying to attract as many people who can make donations as possible. Their task is to provide each class with everything necessary in the near future.
MORE NEWS: Winnipeg toy drive will give presents to a lot of children