Winnipeg professor does not think that the government should invest in solar systems

Winnipeg professor does not think that the government should invest in solar systems

Winnipeg professor urges city councilors to be more attentive when making solar power investments.

Robert Parsons is working at the Asper School of Business, and he created a review on solar systems. As the man believes, using solar systems is not financially lucrative.

On Monday Parsons had a meeting with city councilors and he was speaking about his discoveries. In particular, his speech was about the use of solar energy to light buildings, parks and streets. The man gave an example of the fact that the use of electricity is more profitable for the province.

"When Keeyask comes on board, we will have a lot more electricity than we'll know what to do with," said Parsons.

However, the city plans to use solar energy to become greener. At the moment, there are several buildings that use solar systems. They are Cindy Klassen Recreation Complex, Sergeant Tommy Prince Place and Elmwood Kildonan Pool.

Robert Parsons does not advocate a complete rejection of solar systems. In some aspects of the life of the city, it can be very useful.  For example, he offers to use it at crosswalks. Winnipeg has already used one such system at a crosswalk, and there should be much more.

"What you are doing is balancing the installation cost at that site to the cost of wiring it up and that has to be looked at," said Parsons. "In some instances, it is not going to be economical and it might be in others."

Councillor John Orlikow supports Parsons’ views. He agrees that using solar energy instead of electricity to light high-rise buildings is financially unprofitable for the city.

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solar power investments solar systems solar energy